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Herbal Supplement

The classic herbal formula

Treatment with Acupuncture is undertaken with the aim to restore all the body’s systems to a state of balance, which is called homeostasis.

There are various types of supplements available in our clinic, there are pills, raw herbal medicine, and liquids. 

Pills are the most common form of supplements. They are convenient, easy to use, and have a longer shelf life. They are classic formulas targeting obvious symptoms. We have ready to  take pills, such as Xiao Yao Wan (逍遥丸), Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan (加味逍遥丸), Long Dan Xie Gan Wan (龙胆泻肝丸), Chai Hu Shu Gan San (柴胡疏肝散),Jian Pi Wan (健脾丸), Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan (暖宫孕子丸), Suan Zao Ren Wan (酸枣仁丸), Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (六味地黄丸), Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (知柏地黄丸).

Liquids are another form of supplements that can be convenient for daily taking. Liquids can be absorbed faster into the body compared to pills or powders. We have Ban Lan Gen Kou Fu Ye (板蓝根口服液), Ren Shen Feng Wang Jiang (人参蜂王浆), Ling Zhi Ren Shen Kou Fu Ye (灵芝人参口服液). These liquid supplements can be used as daily consumption for general wellness and prevention of illness.

As for raw herbs, we have American Ginseng (西洋参), Ren Shen (红参), Da Zao (大枣), Gou Qi (枸杞), Shan Zha (山楂). These herbs can be used as a food supplement, it can be consumed every day with hot water, aiming at improving energy and general wellness.

In conclusion, the form of supplement chosen will depend on individual preferences and needs. Herbal supplements are suitable for long term use. And consultation with a healthcare provider or a qualified herbalist is necessary before you start taking it. 



Results usually can be seen after one months’ treatment 


Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement
Herbal Supplement

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