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Acupuncture for Sciatica

Alleviate symptoms of sciatica with acupuncture

Sciatica is when the sciatic nerve, which runs from your hips to your feet, becomes inflamed & irritated & causes a stabbing or shooting pain. We normally treat patients who feel this in their back, bottom & back of leg.

What treatments we typically prescribe?

Acupuncture or electro-acupuncture are typically what we use to treat the above conditions

About your Condition

Sciatica normally occurs because the sciatic nerve becomes trapped or has compression placed upon it, typically by the spine.


  • Our patients have reported feelings of stabbing, burning and shooting pains, normally in the bottom, lower back, back of the legs, and/or feet.
  • Sometimes they have also experienced tingling, numbness and weakness in those areas.


2-3 treatments

Causes of the condition

Sciatica is a common condition characterized by pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back down the back of each leg. It is typically caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, often due to a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, bone spurs, or muscle tension. Sciatica can cause sharp, shooting pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in the lower back, buttocks, and legs, impacting mobility and daily activities.

Benefits of acupuncture for the condition

Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to relieving sciatica by reducing inflammation, relieving muscle tension, improving circulation, and promoting nerve function. At AcuPro Clinic in London, our acupuncture treatments aim to address the underlying causes of sciatica and provide relief from symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling. With personalized care and gentle techniques, we help individuals find relief and improve their quality of life.

Treatment process

Our acupuncture treatment process for sciatica relief begins with a thorough assessment of your symptoms, medical history, and any contributing factors such as posture or activity levels. During the acupuncture sessions, fine needles are strategically inserted into specific acupoints to stimulate nerve function, release muscle tension, and reduce pain and inflammation along the sciatic nerve pathway. Our experienced acupuncturists tailor each treatment plan to address your unique sciatica symptoms and support your body’s natural healing process.

Prevention tips

In addition to acupuncture treatment, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and ergonomic practices can help prevent and manage sciatica. These include maintaining good posture, using proper lifting techniques, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, engaging in regular exercise to strengthen core muscles and improve flexibility, practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or yoga, and maintaining a healthy weight to reduce strain on the lower back and pelvis.


Research and studies

Coming Soon.

Risk Factors

While acupuncture is generally safe, it’s essential to inform your acupuncturist about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you’re taking, especially if you’re experiencing sciatica. Your acupuncturist will tailor the treatment plan to ensure your safety and optimize the benefits of acupuncture for sciatica relief.

Lifestyle recommendations

  • Practice good posture and ergonomic techniques to reduce strain on the lower back and pelvis during daily activities and work tasks.
  • Engage in regular exercise, such as walking, swimming, or gentle stretching, to strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility, and support overall spinal health.
  • Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity to reduce pressure on the spine and alleviate sciatica symptoms.

Aftercare advice

After each acupuncture session, prioritize rest, hydration, and gentle movement to support your body’s response to treatment and enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture for sciatica relief. Follow any recommendations provided by your acupuncturist, such as heat or ice therapy, stretching exercises, or lifestyle modifications, to optimize pain relief and prevent recurrence of symptoms. Additionally, maintain open communication with your acupuncturist to track your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica
Acupuncture for Sciatica

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Company number 10479359
