Electric acupuncture, also known as acupuncture with electrical stimulation, is a cutting-edge technique that combines electrotherapy and traditional acupuncture. By utilizing a micro electrical current connected to the needles through an electric machine, electric acupuncture can effectively restore motor nerve function. This remarkable therapy has been scientifically proven to achieve down modulation of sympathetic up regulation, resulting in the natural release of feel-good chemicals within the body and relaxation of the nervous system. Experience the transformative benefits of electric acupuncture and unlock the true potential of holistic healing.
Prior to the treatment
Wear comfortable clothing. Make sure you are not too full or too hungry.
During the treatment
First, the needles need to be inserted into the desired points. Once they are in, the electrodes are attached and then the frequency will be started and increased to a point that you are comfortable with. Generally, it is applied for 10-30 minutes. You will either feel a dull ache or a mild tingling. If you start to feel any pain or discomfort, the practitioner can turn down the frequency at any time, so it is more manageable.
After the treatment
Keep the treatment area clean and dry. No vigorous exercise in 24 hours after the treatment.
Why choose Acupro for your treatment?
AcuPro Clinic has its core specialists based in China, who are able to instruct the London based practitioners to update all the research and experience from China. We believes that learning is an endless process. As the main academic circle of Chinese medicine is in China and the high demand of Chinese medicine treatment which provides significant case studies to do the research with. We make sure we are updated about the new research and therapeutic method to provide the most effective treatment for our patients.
Results usually seen within 3 treatments