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Sliding Cuppings

Sliding Cuppings

الاختصارات لماذا أكوبرو
AcuPro Acupuncturists offer Traditional Chinese acupuncture and Western evidence based acupuncture in London.

قبل العلاج

Wear comfortable clothing, Make sure you are not too full or too staving.

أثناء العلاج

عندما تخترق الإبرة الجلد ، فإنها تنشط المستقبلات الحسية التي ترسل نبضات إلى النخاع الشوكي ، والتي تتفرع بعد ذلك إلى 3 مناطق مختلفة: النخاع الشوكي نفسه ، ومنتصف الدماغ ، ومجمع الغدة النخامية (مركز التحكم بالهرمونات) .

بعد العلاج

Keep the treatment area clean and dry; No vigorous exercise in 24 hours after the treatment.

لماذا تختارنا لعلاجك؟

AcuPro Clinic has a professional team consisting of certificated and experienced Chinese medicine doctors who are from different best Chinese medicine universities, therefore, we can offer various professional and science-based treatments for our patients. Since the main academic circle of Chinese medicine is in China and the high demand for Chinese medicine treatment provides significant case studies to do the research with, we also keep in touch with specialists in China to make sure we can keep up with the new research and therapeutic methods to provide the most effective treatment.


Is it painful?
It can be painful, or not painful at all. Your practitioner will keep confirming with you and find the right pressure for you.
How long does the bruise last?
It will last 3-7days, it depends on individuals resilience.
Can I shower or exercise afterwards?
Yes, you can do your daily work, just prevent from staying in the water for 24 hrs, such as bath or swimming.
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
Sliding Cuppings
احجز الآن

AcuPro Ltd, 2018 - 2025 © All rights reserved.
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