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Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines

Improve your headaches and migraines with acupuncture

الاختصارات أعراض نتائج
يعد الصداع والصداع النصفي من أكثر الحالات شيوعًا التي نعالجها. نرى عدة أنواع مختلفة من الصداع والتي تشمل صداع التوتر والصداع النصفي وأحيانًا صداع الدورة الشهرية.

ما العلاجات التي نصفها عادة؟

العلاج بالإبر أو الوخز بالإبر الكهربائية هو عادة ما نستخدمه لعلاج الحالات المذكورة أعلاه. قد نستخدم أيضًا الأدوية العشبية جنبًا إلى جنب مع العلاجات المذكورة أعلاه للحيض الصداع.

حول حالتك

نوع من صداع الراس يُعتقد أنه ناتج عن الإجهاد ، وشد العضلات ، وقلة التمارين ، والوضعية السيئة ، وإجهاد العين. أسباب الصداع النصفي غير معروفة بالكامل ، لكنها قد تشمل التغيرات الهرمونية ، والتوتر ، ومشاكل النوم ، والتوتر ، وضغط الدم.


  • وجع خفيف ومستمر في الرأس
  • شعور بالضغط خلف العينين
  • ألم نابض شديد / وجع على جانب واحد فقط من الرأس
  • حساس للضوء أو الصوت


2-3 علاجات

Causes of the condition

Headaches and migraines are common neurological conditions characterized by recurrent episodes of head pain, often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances. While headaches can vary in intensity and duration, migraines are typically more severe and may last for hours to days, significantly impacting daily activities and quality of life. Various factors, including stress, hormonal changes, dietary triggers, and environmental factors, can contribute to the onset of headaches and migraines.

Benefits of acupuncture for the condition

Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to relieving headaches and migraines by reducing muscle tension, promoting relaxation, improving circulation, and balancing neurotransmitter levels in the brain. At AcuPro Clinic in London, our acupuncture treatments aim to address the underlying causes of headaches and migraines and provide relief from symptoms such as head pain, nausea, and sensory sensitivity. With personalized care and gentle techniques, we help individuals manage their headaches and migraines and improve their quality of life.

Treatment process

Our acupuncture treatment process for headaches and migraines relief begins with a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms, triggers, and medical history. During the acupuncture sessions, fine needles are strategically inserted into specific acupoints to stimulate nerve function, release tension, and promote relaxation in the head and neck muscles. Our experienced acupuncturists tailor each treatment plan to address your unique headache and migraine patterns and support your body’s natural healing process.

Prevention tips

In addition to acupuncture treatment, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and headache prevention strategies can help reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines. These include maintaining regular sleep patterns, staying hydrated, managing stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga, avoiding dietary triggers such as caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, practicing good posture and ergonomic techniques, and establishing a consistent routine for meals, exercise, and medication use.


Research and studies

Coming soon.

Risk Factors

While acupuncture is generally safe, it’s essential to inform your acupuncturist about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you’re taking, especially if you’re experiencing headaches and migraines. Your acupuncturist will tailor the treatment plan to ensure your safety and optimize the benefits of acupuncture for headache and migraine relief.

Lifestyle recommendations

  • Practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or acupuncture to manage stress levels and reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines.
  • Maintain regular sleep patterns by establishing a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine and electronic devices before bed, and creating a comfortable sleep environment to support restorative sleep and prevent headache triggers.

Aftercare advice

After each acupuncture session, prioritize rest, hydration, and relaxation to support your body’s response to treatment and enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture for headache and migraine relief. Follow any recommendations provided by your acupuncturist, such as avoiding known triggers, practicing self-care techniques, or maintaining a headache diary to track symptoms and triggers. Additionally, maintain open communication with your acupuncturist to track your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
Acupuncture for Headache and Migraines
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