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Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle

يغذي نقص الدم

الاختصارات أعراض نتائج
الدورة الشهرية هي سلسلة شهرية من التغييرات التي يمر بها جسم المرأة استعدادًا لاحتمال الحمل.

ما العلاجات التي نصفها عادة؟

علاج الوخز بالإبر ، والكي ، والأدوية العشبية هي خيارات للاستخدام ، لكنها تعتمد بشكل أكبر على الظروف التي تعاني منها.

حول حالتك

بسبب التغييرات التي تحدث ، خاصة مع الهرمونات ، يمكن أن يسبب ذلك عدم انتظام داخل الجسم ويسبب العديد من الحالات غير المرغوب فيها.

من وجهة نظر أنماط التنافر الصينية ، يمكن إرجاع كل هذه الأعراض إلى ركود تشي الكبد. نظرًا لأن الكبد يخزن الدم وينظم التدفق السلس لـ qi ، فهو دائمًا العضو المتورط في مشاكل الدورة الشهرية. عندما يتدفق الكبد بسلاسة ، تكون الدورة الشهرية أيضًا سلسة.


  • Seven to ten days before menstruation & disappears shortly after bleeding begins.
  • يمكن اعتبار الأنظمة على أنها عصبية
  • التهيج
  • Emotional ups & downs
  • كآبة
  • احتباس الماء
  • التهاب الصدور


2-6 شهور

Causes of the condition

The menstrual cycle is a natural process that occurs in reproductive-aged individuals and involves hormonal fluctuations and changes in the uterine lining to prepare for potential pregnancy. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts around 28 days, although variations are common. The menstrual cycle is divided into several phases, including menstruation (bleeding), the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. Irregularities in the menstrual cycle, such as irregular periods, heavy or light bleeding, or absent periods, can indicate underlying health issues or hormonal imbalances.

Benefits of acupuncture for the condition

Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to regulating the menstrual cycle by balancing hormone levels, improving blood flow to the reproductive organs, and reducing stress. At AcuPro Clinic in London, our acupuncture treatments aim to address menstrual irregularities and promote hormonal balance, resulting in more regular and symptom-free menstrual cycles. With personalized care and gentle techniques, we help individuals achieve greater harmony and well-being throughout their menstrual cycle.

Treatment process

Our acupuncture treatment process for menstrual cycle regulation begins with a comprehensive assessment of your menstrual history, symptoms, and overall health. During the acupuncture sessions, fine needles are strategically placed on specific acupoints to regulate hormone levels, promote ovulation, alleviate menstrual cramps, and address underlying imbalances. Our experienced acupuncturists tailor each treatment plan to address your unique menstrual concerns and support your body’s natural rhythm.

Prevention tips

In addition to acupuncture treatment, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and self-care practices can help prevent and manage menstrual irregularities. These include maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients and hydration, engaging in regular exercise to promote circulation and reduce stress, practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or yoga, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.


Research and studies

Coming soon.

Risk Factors

While acupuncture is generally safe, it’s essential to inform your acupuncturist about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you’re taking, especially if you’re experiencing menstrual irregularities. Your acupuncturist will tailor the treatment plan to ensure your safety and optimize the benefits of acupuncture for menstrual cycle regulation.

Lifestyle recommendations

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting adequate rest, and managing stress levels to support overall reproductive health and menstrual cycle regulation.
  • Track your menstrual cycle using a calendar or mobile app to monitor changes in cycle length, symptoms, and ovulation patterns, which can provide valuable insights into your reproductive health.
  • Communicate openly with your healthcare providers and acupuncturist about your menstrual concerns, treatment preferences, and goals to ensure a collaborative approach to managing menstrual irregularities.

Aftercare advice

After each acupuncture session, prioritize rest, hydration, and relaxation to support your body’s response to treatment and enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture for menstrual cycle regulation. Follow any recommendations provided by your acupuncturist, such as dietary adjustments or lifestyle modifications, to optimize menstrual regularity and overall reproductive health. Additionally, maintain open communication with your acupuncturist to track your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
Acupuncture for Menstruation Cycle
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