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Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis

Reduce plantar fasciitis symptoms with acupuncture

الاختصارات أعراض نتائج
التهاب اللفافة الأخمصية هو حالة تسبب ألم طعن في أسفل القدم ، عادة بالقرب من الكعب. السبب الرئيسي وراء رؤيتنا لهذا السبب هو الإفراط في استخدام العضلات وضعف القدمين ، عادةً في العدائين.

ما العلاجات التي نصفها عادة؟

عادةً ما نستخدم نوعين من العلاج لهذا ، الوخز بالإبر و Moxa

حول حالتك

عادة ما يحدث بسبب التهاب عصابة سميكة من الأنسجة العضلية التي تمتد عبر الجزء السفلي من القدم تسمى اللفافة الأخمصية. تعمل اللفافة الأخمصية مثل الوتر الممتص للصدمات. إذا أصبح التوتر والضغط على هذا الوتر كبيرًا جدًا ، فقد يتسبب ذلك في التهابه وضيقه ويمكن أن يولد الألم.


  • ألم وخز في أسفل قدمك بالقرب من الكعب
  • عادة ما يكون الألم أسوأ مع الخطوات القليلة الأولى بعد الاستيقاظ ، على الرغم من أنه يمكن أيضًا أن يحدث بسبب فترات طويلة من الوقوف أو النهوض من الجلوس.
  • عادة ما يكون الألم أسوأ بعد التمرين وليس أثناءه.


2-3 علاجات

Causes of the condition

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition characterized by inflammation and irritation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. It is often caused by repetitive strain, overuse, or micro-tears in the plantar fascia, leading to heel pain, stiffness, and discomfort, especially with the first steps in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest. Plantar fasciitis can affect mobility and daily activities, making it challenging to stand, walk, or engage in physical activities.

Benefits of acupuncture for the condition

Acupuncture offers a holistic approach to relieving plantar fasciitis by reducing inflammation, promoting tissue healing, improving blood flow, and relieving pain. At AcuPro Clinic in London, our acupuncture treatments aim to address the underlying causes of plantar fasciitis and provide relief from symptoms such as heel pain, stiffness, and discomfort. With personalized care and gentle techniques, we help individuals find relief and improve their quality of life.

Treatment process

Our acupuncture treatment process for plantar fasciitis relief begins with a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms, foot mechanics, and activity levels. During the acupuncture sessions, fine needles are strategically inserted into specific acupoints to stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair in the affected area. Our experienced acupuncturists tailor each treatment plan to address your unique plantar fasciitis symptoms and support your body’s natural healing process.

Prevention tips

In addition to acupuncture treatment, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and foot care practices can help prevent and manage plantar fasciitis. These include wearing supportive footwear with proper arch support and cushioning, avoiding high-impact activities that may exacerbate symptoms, maintaining a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the feet, performing stretching and strengthening exercises for the calf muscles and plantar fascia, and using orthotic devices or shoe inserts to provide additional support and relieve strain on the plantar fascia.


Research and studies

Coming soon.

Risk Factors

While acupuncture is generally safe, it’s essential to inform your acupuncturist about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you’re taking, especially if you’re experiencing plantar fasciitis. Your acupuncturist will tailor the treatment plan to ensure your safety and optimize the benefits of acupuncture for plantar fasciitis relief.

Lifestyle recommendations

  • Practice proper foot care and wear supportive footwear with adequate arch support and cushioning to reduce strain on the plantar fascia.
  • Avoid high-impact activities that may exacerbate plantar fasciitis symptoms, such as running or jumping, until the condition has fully healed.
  • Perform stretching and strengthening exercises for the calf muscles and plantar fascia regularly to improve flexibility and resilience and reduce the risk of recurrent plantar fasciitis.

Aftercare advice

After each acupuncture session, prioritize rest, hydration, and gentle movement to support your body’s response to treatment and enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture for plantar fasciitis relief. Follow any recommendations provided by your acupuncturist, such as using ice therapy, performing foot stretches, or wearing supportive footwear, to optimize pain relief and prevent recurrence of symptoms. Additionally, maintain open communication with your acupuncturist to track your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
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