Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that involves burning dried mugwort herb, also called as “Ai cao”, on or near the surface of the skin to stimulate specific acupoints and the circulation of channels.
Moxibustion is often used in combination with acupuncture and can enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture by increasing the flow of qi and blood to the targeted area. Moxibustion, including moxa smoke, has been reported to be effective for anti-aging through several ways. It is used to treat a variety of conditions including pain, digestive disorders, menstrual cramps, hormonal imbalance, irregular menstruation, PMS, infertility and respiratory problems.
قبل العلاج
Wear comfortable clothing, make sure you are not too full or too hungry.
أثناء العلاج
Normally, moxibustion is combined with acupuncture treatment. After the practitioner inserted needles into the desired acu points, a burning moxa stick will be placed next to the acupoint. The moxa stick will burn for around 30 mins and give consistent heat and warmth to the acupoints.
First, the needles need to be inserted into the desired points. Once they are in, the electrodes are attached to some needles and then the machine will be turned on and the frequency of current will be increased to a point that you are comfortable with. Generally, it is applied for 10-30 minutes. You will either feel a dull ache or a mild tingling. If you start to feel any pain or discomfort, the practitioner can turn down the frequency at any time to make it more manageable.
بعد العلاج
Keep the treatment area clean and dry. No vigorous exercise in 24 hours after the treatment. Keep hydrated.
لماذا تختارنا لعلاجك؟
لدينا المتخصصون الأساسيون الموجودون في الصين ، والقادرون على توجيه الممارسين المقيمين في لندن لتحديث جميع الأبحاث والخبرة من الصين. نعتقد أن التعلم عملية لا نهاية لها. نظرًا لأن الدائرة الأكاديمية الرئيسية للطب الصيني موجودة في الصين والطلب المتزايد على علاج الطب الصيني الذي يوفر دراسات حالة مهمة لإجراء البحث معها. نتأكد من تحديثنا لأسلوب البحث والعلاج الجديد لتقديم العلاج الأكثر فعالية لمرضانا.
تظهر النتائج عادة خلال 3 علاجات